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Final reflection

Final reflection

I learned in this course to be better with English text writings because we had to write all things in English, and it was good learning experience. I am not very good at writing or talking in English, but I think this course helped me with my learning and made me more confident with making exam in English. I also learned so much about culture and especially Finnish culture from the view of tourism and how it is different than others Nordic countries. This course taught me much more about culture and how it show at the world very different ways.

And also, I learned about customs and how they work, I made that exam from Finnish language and told about how it will change when our country comes to more multi cultural and I think that we have to spread our culture so we don`t lose to list of countries where people want to travel, it was nice exam to do because it made me think many things in our country and how I can be the one who makes in the future Finnish tourism better.

Then it was future exam, it was also nice, and I dream about big things in that exam. I made that exam with realistic future from South Korea, and it made me think about how our future is going to be crazy because robots and printed meat is future things, but I think it is attitude question and we will survive very well, and we don`t lose our jobs. World is changing and so are we.

I will be motivated to learn English more from this course and I hope someday I have confident to talk with people in English and make friends which doesn`t speak Finnish. I will take my job from this course culture things what I learned, and I apply them in my job in my way, I take also English speaking and writing and try use it much as I can, but I think it will be not so hard because I am at business school. I liked this course because it was challenging even sometimes, I did not understand nothing what teachers were talking but it was good thing that I always asked with my friends if I did not understand something and of course if they didn`t can help me , I know I can always ask help for teachers.


Dear me, 


I am future you from 20 years, you are 40 years old, and you have job that you love, you have a car what you have dream about always and home in Helsinki and in Spain, you travel a lot because you are international managing director. You are happy with your life, and you have your own company with your husband. Your company is very strong, and you became rich because your idea was good. 


You will travel a lot and the most interesting place where you travel is South Korea. They have cars that fly, everywhere has robots, people doesn`t have much work to do because robots take their job, but people have more time for family and their self, and they get money for take care of robots. Everything is so big, and technology is 5 years ahead of other countries in South Korea, our own country (Finland), thinks about flying cars, but they are not sure yet. You can travel with flying cars like planes but lower and faster and cars have tires so you can also drive at driveway, but you need special car card if you want to drive with these cars, terms are you have to be 30 years old, own a good sigh and you have to have good mental stability. You have that card because you travel a lot in South Korea, you are not able to go other countries yet but that will be possible when those cars are more popular and then you can drive example in Finland easily. 


The second interesting thing is what they eat in Korea, they have 3D print food and if you want to eat real meat, you must hunt animals but in shops they sell only 3D print meat, and some vegetables are printed too. Even they doesn`t kill animals for food anymore, they have bad climate in Korea because the population is biggest in the world. I am so glad that we have in Europe better climate, and we have stopped the melting of the iceberg because in Europe and the United States have new laws that reduces the use of plastic, only China is problematic, but it is going to better, thank God.  


You have been enjoyed with your life because you can do whatever you want, you have a lot of money, love and freedom what you have been dreaming of forever. You get married with a man who you fall in love with 15 years old at nine grade, you guys have been together now 25 years. 


Your marriage was beautiful in Spain at the beach. Your family fled in the Spain and your best friends and then partied with you and your husband. Yours honeymoon was in Greek, and it was so beautiful, you ate so many good foods example tzatziki and laid at sunbeds every day, because it was great weather. At Greek you visited their church’s, museums and watched them statues.  

When honeymoon was over you worked so much at your company, and you traveled 15 different countries in a year and get your own house in Spain where you live most of year, at Christmas you come in Finland with your family, and you stay here couple weeks and enjoy Finnish culture. When you were younger you didn’t understand Finnish culture and people but now it`s your favorite thing and you enjoyed sauna, Karjala and Koskenkorva. You are more outgoing because in Spanish they all are your friend and so kind and that`s why you are learned to be more spontaneous and sunnier.  


And I want to tell you one last thing. You got rescue dog from work trip in German, her name is Täplä because she has spotted fur. She is the kindest and most lovely dog you have ever met. Her age is 1 year, and she was rejected by their last parents, it was love first seeing both of us. 




I decided to write about Finland and our language and how we have to spread our culture more so we can get more tourism in here and why we should learn about English better.

How do you experience the prevalent customs from your point of view in the context of tourism and hospitality?

I think Finland for tourism is difficult because Finnish people doesn`t speak English much and our second language is Swedish, but people can`t talk even that in Finland very well. But you can survive English language in Finland because we understand something basic things. I think English would be great second language in Finland because all other countries know how to speak it, but we have Swedish our second language, I think that is not very good decision because Swedish isn`t worldwide language but I understand that Sweden is big thing in Finland`s history. Finland was part of Sweden at 1617-1712 so that`s why we learn Swedish language because Swedish people live in here even today and board of education think that we respect Nordic countries with mandatory Swedish, and we can be two language country. We have in restaurants, shops, public transport etc. in English information help tourism to understand and you can find tourist tours in English language if you are interested Finnish history or attractions, so I really recommend join them if you are interested. It could be clever idea if we write or make something interesting about Finnish culture, history and language in English so different countries people can learn about us and then we can get more visibility in other eyes. Now everybody knows us about Moomins and Koskenkorva, salty liquorice and northern lights but it is not enough because Finland has many potential things what would interest people.

I think that we are country who get bigger and bigger if we do something about it, we have beautiful country and it deserve get all attention with beauty and safe that we have.

 Do the customs and values reflect your own ones?

I am good at English when I watch movies or listen to music but I don`t speak or write very good English but I try to learn to be better with English language because I think it`s important to be good at languages so I can help other language people when they need help in Finland and it would be great if all could speak English in here because that would bring more tourism in Finland because tourist have feeling that we understand them and they are welcome here. I think, my thoughts are similar with other Finnish because all we want that our work would be easier if we would understand people better and it would bring better fame for our country in tourism. I think most of Finnish people want to learn speak different languages because it`s fun and we like to travel so it will be easier if we speak another language with Finnish.

As student in this field, I see that we can get Finland famous with team work and we should think about why we travel different places and what we can do same way, of course we can`t change our weather but we can make big events in English example festival and try promote our ideas to big events maker.



Reflect on what type of changes there might appear in customs in the near future?

I hope future English language would be more popular here. Finland has big part of in immigration so maybe we have many languages here what people speak, example: Somali language and Arabic because those countries have many refugees and they come live and stay in Finland. And also, now have war in Ukraine and Finland has taken Ukraine’s refugees here and it is possible that some of them stay here so Ukrainian language is possible new language in Finland. Finnish language will change more larger with the vocabulary of other countries and that way Finnish will be easier understand. I hope that Baltic rail will give us more tourist because you can easily drive to Baltic countries to Finland when they get tunnel ready, the same way that United States and their canal.

Cultural insights assignment

Finland vs Norway

Finnish people are independent and they like think their self more than others. In Norway they are pretty like Finnish at this independent lifestyle. In Finland we are extremely competitive example at sports, in Norway they are not that much competitive. Finland ja Norway is similar and it`s not miracle because we live next to each other’s. (


I think this is true. If I think Finland and Norway, I think that people these countries are like friends with same thoughts who never fight about nothing. In Finland we are cold people with big warm heart, In Norway they are nicer than In Finland but same with personality example if you go small talk at Finns people, they are shy and quiet first but when they open up they are nice and kind, Norway they are more approachable. I don`t know very much Norway and their culture but I know that they have good health service, Norway is little pricier than Finland and they have same food as we. They have same religion that we, Christianity. Both are nice countries with same goals and thoughts.

